Thursday, 1 October 2009

Why No-one Should Vote Tory - Eton and the Eaten

The Tories have always primarily been about the protection of the already wealthy and powerful. Initially they were there fighting for the rights of Kings to lead Parliament and the state, instead of parliamentarians. When only men who owned land could vote, when only men could vote, during desperate poverty with children down mines and up chimneys, there they were defending the wealthy. The Tories opposed democracy and social advancement at every turn. They are a relic of oppression and a class system which has never been dismantled. 14 of Cameron's front bench went to Eton - a school which requires wealth to attend, not ability. They are all about wealth, not people. A selfishness and greed is at the heart of Tory philosophy which can easily slip into downright villainy. I felt not one iota of surprise at revelations of Tory expense abuses - I would never have expected anything else from them. The behaviour of members of other parties was a shock when fraud had been committed, though I couldn't get excited about packets of biscuits and £5 filing errors. Perhaps you agree with their philosophy, which I personally find vile and abhorrent and very mistaken, but seems to appeal to some people. Maybe you want to look after number one, believe in dog eat dog, that only the strong survive, etc, and you think the Tories are the party for you - you're wrong. Even the immensely wealthy, like members of the Tory front bench and their new matey the self-styled Sun and Sky Master Rupert Murdoch, have the insidious corrosion of their souls to worry about. But the rest of you should worry about a lot more than that. There are are going to be increasingly fewer of the rich 'them' and increasingly more 'rest of us' in a Tory-led recession struck Britain. You will not be the dog who eats the dog, you will be the dog who goes down and goes under.

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